Brad is on his way home from Colorado right now. He had another interview there yesterday. We're hoping that we get some good news soon. He's had enough interviews over the last couple of weeks and I think a couple of more phone interviews next week. We are praying hard that he gets an offer soon.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
It's Raining in the Desert
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Handmade Birthday Gift : Drawstring Backpack
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
8 Year Old Guest Blogger
Boog finally got to go out to Galloping Grace yesterday. He wrote a little about his first time back and Michelle over at GG posted it on her awesome blog - Galloping Grace Youth Ranch. In his first draft, he wrote that his first time back was "wicked." I asked if there was anyway to come up with a different adjective. He chose "cool" instead. Oh well, I tried. ;) Other than that, they were his words with only my help with some spelling choices. Thanks Michelle for using it. You definitely made his day!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
A Wild West Birthday!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Still Hanging Out
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Finally Feeling Better and New Nicknames
I'm so glad to finally be feeling a bit better. That flu bug seriously kicked my butt. I can't remember the last time that I was sick with the flu for SEVEN days. Ugh. I'm still coughing and gunky, but feeling so much better. I actually did some laundry and dishes today. No more writhing on the couch in feverish pain. I can't tell if the kids are glad or not. I mean, I know they're glad that I'm feeling better, but I think they have kind of enjoyed having the run of the house for the last week. One of the days they spent building fences from our Keva planks all over the front room. I wish I had taken a picture, but I wasn't really thinking straight. They ran through the sprinkler in the backyard. My oldest finished the Harry Potter series. My middle guy copied words from a book to make a story and my youngest made a gigantic mess. Well, she was sick for the first couple of days with me. She just recovered much faster than I did. Now, we have to get back on our normal homeschool routine. We might just wait until Monday though.
During the last couple of days, I've been thinking that I would give the kids new nicknames on my blog. I've been using their initials, but I know it's sometimes confusing to read especially "A" since "A" is also a word. So from now on, I'm going to refer to my oldest as "Boog." When he was just a baby, his grandparents gave him the nickname "Boogie." It never really stuck at our house, but he loves it. So that's where I got "Boog." I'm going to call my middle guy "Roni." When he was really little, Brad and I started adding "roni" to the end of his first name kind of like "macaroni." And I have never had a nickname for our daughter. I'm just not very good with coming up with cute nicknames. We watched Tinkerbell a couple of times over the last week (her favorite movie at the moment) and thought I'd call her "Pixie." It seems to fit her and she liked it too. So from now on - Boog, Roni and Pixie.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day!
I was surprised today with flowers blooming on the patio. I assumed that my petunias had died off last fall. However, two sturdy plants made it through the winter and started producing new green shoots this spring. Today one of the plants started blooming. So fun! Add to that a Starbucks coffee treat from my sweet husband, and I had a great way to start the day. The only bummer has been this awful flu bug I've been fighting since Thursday. It has really sapped all my energy and made me miserable. I have no idea if it's the "H1N1" or not, but whatever it is, it's been awful. Hopefully, I'll start feeling better soon, since we have lots of preparations this week. My middle son is turning six and we have a big party coming up next weekend.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Handmade Birthday Gift : Little Girl's Apron
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Preppy Meets Hippie
Monday, May 04, 2009
Back at the Ranch
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